Gun range that is....
I convinced my dad(I'm only 20 so I can't go by myself) to go to the gun range with me today. I've never shot a handgun and was a little nervous about it but wanted to start trying to find a gun that I like so I can practice with it before getting my CHL...
First we shot a rented .380 bersa Concealed carry version. I liked that the gun was small enough that it comfortably fit in my hand. It didn't have much kick at all, which is something I was very nervous about. And I liked that the trigger was very easy to pull, barely touched it and the gun would fire. I was even relatively accurate with the gun after getting in a few warm up shots.
Next, we shot my dad's Beretta 9mm. I liked this gun as well. There was still minimal kick back to it. It was a little harder to hold, but not enough to effect me. This gun jammed several times, but my dad said it was because he hadn't cleaned it in a while. It jammed with both of us, so I'm thinking it's not just me. The trigger was much stiffer on this gun, there were a few times I thought it had jammed but just wasn't pulling hard enough after getting used to the .380. My accuracy was a little bit better with this gun, but the laser sight probably had something to do with it.
I'm still planning on trying to get out and try a few more guns. The glocks have been spoken highly of, and I've been told repeatedly not to get a .380 or 9mm. My dad told me today that he wants me to get a revolver instead of a semi-auto because he's been told that the semi-auto's jam with females. I personally plan on at least testing my CHL on a semi-auto so that I can carry either one, and I like the idea of the semi-auto more myself. Still got some time to decide...
The Day the Writing Died
2 years ago
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